Lisa Hutchins
Oct 6, 20222 min read
Media Review: Catch-22
In 1971 when I was sixteen, my parents divorced. My brother and I lived with my mother, but on weekends we saw my father for a few...

Lisa Hutchins
Sep 30, 20223 min read
Hurricane Ian? No, Donna.
Path of Hurricane Donna In 1960, when I was five years old (yes, boys and girls, just after the age of the dinosaurs), my family rode out...

Lisa Hutchins
Sep 29, 20222 min read
Why Do So Many Native Grasses Have that Strange "Muhly" Name?
Portrait of supreme grass expert, Gotthilf Muhlenberg Living in the American West, you soon realize that a large number of native...

Lisa Hutchins
Sep 23, 20221 min read
Fall Proceeds Apace
Wistful seeing the last of summer's hummingbirds on the tattered remains of wild monarda in our rain garden (Monarda fistulosa, also...

Lisa Hutchins
Nov 13, 20162 min read
A Tale of a Shrew
We found a shrew in our garage mousetrap. We didn't even know we had shrews in our area, much less that they would come into the garage,...

Lisa Hutchins
Nov 4, 20163 min read
The Magnificent Heap
Having a fondness for both Buddhism and shamanism, I've set up a Mongolian ovoo on the slope behind our house. The ovoo (pronounced...

Lisa Hutchins
Sep 15, 20163 min read
Goodbye to a Dear Friend
Photo of Cody by Lisa Hutchins Today we said goodbye to dear Cody. He was one of my rescued (some people call them retired)...

Lisa Hutchins
May 14, 20162 min read
Narrowleaf Cottonwood: Aspen's Unlovely Cousin
When we first moved here, we were initially elated and then dismayed at a grove of trees on our property. We had hoped they were quaking...

Lisa Hutchins
Dec 18, 20153 min read
Media Review: Groundhog Day as Spiritual Teaching
The great religions scholar Huston Smith once wrote of Hinduism: "If pleasure is what you want, do not suppress desire. Seek it...